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How to Use Ninja Stars in 2020?

Ninja Stars

· Ninja Stars
ninja star

Ninja stars, throwing stars, shuriken or whatever you call them, they are ninja weapons. Ninja used plenty of weapons during wars.

A few served as primary fighting weapons while a few were tactical and secondary fighting weapons. Ninja stars fall in the category of secondary tactical weapons.

They were used for maiming and distraction. However, today, they are popular for other uses. If you have a bunch of shuriken, following are a few ways you can use them:

Self Defense

Ninja stars contain a few sharp edges. These are made of steel and the edges are quite deadly. This is why ninjas used them during wars. So, you can use them for self defense in 2020.

Since these stars have sharp edges, they can cause injuries to the attackers. However, you must be capable enough to use them. You need to learn and practice throwing them.

The aim is to gain some accuracy and speed. When you throw them with speed and accuracy, you are likely to cause damage to the attacker.

Also, you are able to defend yourself from a safe distance. No need to go closer to him.

Throwing Games

With ninja stars, you can play throwing games. Build a wooden target and get some stars. Place the wooden target at some distance. Throw the stars with speed and accuracy.

The edges of the stars can easily stick into the wooden target. As they have sharp edges, they can stick into wood. Therefore, you are welcome to play throwing games with these stars.


If you are a cosplayer, you can use ninja stars as your cosplay weapons. If you play the role of a ninja on stage, you can use them as the ninja weapon.

Also, on Halloween, you can use them as a part of your ninja costume. To dress up as a real ninja, you should have their weapons!