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How to Make Shuriken with Paper?

· ninja stars

Have you ever wondered that you can make shuriken at home? Obviously, not. There is no need to buy them from the market.

If you are just a fan of these, you can make a few at home. You can use paper to make shuriken at home.

But, keep in mind that these are just for fun. If you want them to be used as cosplay weapons or self defense weapons, you need to get real shuriken.

Anyways, this is a guide on how to make shuriken at home using a piece of paper. Well, there is a simple method that you need to follow. Here is a detailed step by step guide:

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is get the papers. An ordinary paper won’t work. You need to get printer paper or construction paper, but construction paper is the best in this regard because it is more durable.

Make sure to get two papers of different colors so that you have different colored shuriken in the end.

Step 2

Cut both pieces of paper in an equal square. Fold the top of both the papers downwards. Then, fold them again to further reduce the size of the papers. Fold them in a way that a sign of them being folded appears on both the papers.

Step 3

Fold the paper placed on your left side upwards. Fold the paper placed on your right side downwards. Both of them must be folded from the folded sign previously. Now, fold the remaining sides in the op[the opposite directions.

Step 4

Fold the upper corners of the papers in such a way that they connect to their opposite corners and form a triangle. Fold all four corners in a similar fashion. Then, orient the papers once.

Step 5

Tuck in the uppermost flap into the flap on its right. Then, tuck in the lowest flap into the flap on its left. When they are tucked in, flip them over. Now, tuck them in again, and your shuriken is ready to use!